The Internet is more than
just the World Wide Web!

Few companies have enjoyed the
benefits of a fully functional Internet or intranet site.

Until Now!

CLIPS Mission

Internet and Networking Server Software Solutions

InToto Description

InToto integrates all the services that make a company's time on the Internet productive and efficient

Press Release

Basic Internet Server Solution (now InToto)


What others are saying about CLIPS

Product Comparisons

No other product on the market provide the full range of functionality for multipurpose Internet servers

Product Differentiators

Our product has several features which differentiate us substantially from the competition


Benefits for Customers Using InToto

Why Sun Solaris?

Sun's servers account for the majority of the Internet Web servers utilized by businesses

A division of:
Computational Logic, Inc.
1717 West 6th Street, Suite 290,
Austin, Texas U.S.A. 78703
Phone: 512/322-9955
FAX: 512/477-0774